Basic First Aid for Therapists

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  • Study Time: 2.5 Hours
  • Self Study: 3 Lessons
  • Class Videos: None
  • Face to Face Practical Session: Not required for this class
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Class Pre-Requisites
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  • Class Insurance: Not applicable for this class
  • Case Studies: Not required for this class
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All enrolments include
- Access to all online lessons for this class
- Printed Certificate (when you have successfully passed your class)
- Access to our Asgard Community
- Online Live Chat Class Support
- Lifetime access to this class, even once completed
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Class Checklist - Things you will need
- Pen
- Notebook or Journal
class information
While there is no legal requirement for complementary therapists to hold a first aid qualification, it is certainly considered to be best practice.

This class is not a guide to administering treatment to a patient, instead, what we’ve tried to do with this class is arm you with information about the most common conditions or situations you may come up against or be presented with as a holistic and complementary therapist. We recommend all therapists attending some form of professional first aid training - for your own peace of mind and to reassure your clients that you are professional and committed to your therapies.
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Certification Level
- Certificate of Completion
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Class Accreditations
Included Free Resources
- Not applicable for this class
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- Printed copies of the workbook plus other class materials are available to purchase after enrolment

Basic First Aid for Therapists
Lesson Access

Purchase your class materials

Basic First Aid for Therapists - Printed Workbook
A 16 page full colour spiral bound workbook. This workbook is a physical copy of the lessons included within this class.
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