Feng Shui Foundations
Study Time: 30 Hours
Self Study: 12 Lessons
Class Videos: None
Face to Face Practical Session: Not required for this class
Class Pre-Requisites
Class Insurance: Not applicable for this class
Case Studies: Not required for this class
All enrolments include
- Access to all online lessons for this class
- Printed Certificate (when you have successfully passed your class)
- Access to our Asgard Community
- Access to our Asgard Community
- Online Live Chat Class Support
- Lifetime access to this class, even once completed
Class Checklist - Things you will need
class information
This is an in-depth foundation course designed to guide you through the complexities of this ancient philosophical system with an aim of enhancing and harmonising you with your surrounding environment. There is a lot of information within but each module is presented in a user-friendly way to help you to understand and to utilise this new-found knowledge within your life.
This course focuses on feng shui within the home as a starting point so that you can feel the changes taking place while you create a more harmonious existence. Feng shui can be used in every area of your life - at work, to improve your finances and even to aid your relationships so further progression is possible and advised.
Certainly the best way to learn feng shui is to practice it a little at a time, incorporating new elements into your life gradually, ensuring that you have learned them thoroughly as you do so.
Certification Level
- Certificate of Completion
Class Accreditations
Included Free Resources
- Bagua Map Book of Shadows Page
- Printed copies of the workbook plus other class materials are available to purchase after enrolment
Feng Shui Foundations
Lesson Access
Your FREE Class Resources
Book of Shadows Pages
- Bagua Map Book of Shadows Page - A4 PDF Download
Purchase your class materials