Mindfulness for Children

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  • Study Time: 8 Hours
  • Self Study: 6 Lessons
  • Class Videos: None
  • Face to Face Practical Session: Not required for this class
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Class Pre-Requisites
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  • Class Insurance: Not applicable for this class
  • Case Studies: Not required for this class
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All enrolments include
- Access to all online lessons for this class
- Printed Certificate (when you have successfully passed your class)
- Access to our Asgard Community
- Online Live Chat Class Support
- Lifetime access to this class, even once completed
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Class Checklist - Things you will need
- Pen
- Notebook or Journal
class information
This Mindfulness for Children class has been specifically written for teachers or class facilitators to help them with exercises and techniques for the development of mindful awareness in younger children, in particular children aged 6-10 years. It can also be adapted to provide valuable skills for parents and carers too.

While we tend to think of mindfulness as being effective for adults, there are incredible benefits that can be gained when children of all ages learn the basics of being mindful. Even those children who are just starting school can begin to understand what it means and to start to apply the lessons learned in everyday life. By learning when young, the message of mindfulness is likely to become an integral part of everyday life thereafter.

In addition, mindfulness can enhance learning, developing awareness and clarity of mind in far greater depth than might be considered possible. This class is designed for teachers to choose the tasks most relevant to their school children but importantly, to have fun with the lessons. By doing so the tasks can help facilitate and create change in the youngest of minds.
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Certification Level
- Certificate of Completion
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Class Accreditations
Included Free Resources
- Not applicable for this class
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- Printed copies of the workbook plus other class materials are available to purchase after enrolment

Mindfulness for Children
Lesson Access

Purchase your class materials

Mindfulness for Children - Printed Workbook - £6.50
A 24 page full colour spiral bound workbook. This workbook is a physical copy of the lessons included within this class.
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