The Forest Witch Oracle Reader
Study Time: 40 Hours
Self Study: 15 Lessons
Class Videos: 68 Videos
Face to Face Practical Session: Not required for this class
Class Pre-Requisites
Class Insurance: Towergate and Westminster
Case Studies: 5 Case Studies
All enrolments include
- Access to all online lessons for this class
- Printed Certificate (when you have successfully passed your class)
- Access to our Asgard Community
- Access to our Asgard Community
- Online Live Chat Class Support
- Lifetime access to this class, even once completed
Class Checklist - Things you will need
class information
A Forest Witch is a practitioner who has a natural affinity with Mother Earth, and in particular, Her forests and woodlands. In the literal sense, a Forest Witch will call these spaces their home. Chances are they, and probably you, feel more at home and at peace in these surroundings that in the majority day-to-day modern life.
Within each of us lies our own magical forest. A secret woodland. The Wildwood. A place that we can go to to not only remove ourselves from the stresses and strains of the modern world - but a place that also allows us to discover hidden or suppressed parts of us too.
This deck has been created with the essence of the sacred forest in mind. Learning how to use these cards not just for yourself, but for others too, can provide guidance and signposts to help us contend with things that our life path my throw our way.
During this class you will not only learn about the meaning of the cards, but also how to bring them together into a reading gain clarity and guidance.
Certification Level
- Certificate of Completion
Class Accreditations
Included Free Resources
- Not applicable for this class
- Printed copies of the workbook plus other class materials are available to purchase after enrolment
The Forest Witch Oracle Reader
Lesson Access
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