
Which class have you just completed?: Introduction to Chakras
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes
What did you like the most / least in the class?: Leaning how to carry out a self guided meditation/ Visualisation to balance my Chakras. This is something I will be continuing to do. I also enjoyed learning about how blocked Chakras impact your physical and mental health.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes. It was clear and engaging
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Highly likely
How would you rate the overall class?: Excellent, a great beginners course for anyone new to Chakras as I was.

Gemma D, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Aromatherapy for beginners

Did the class meet your expectations?: Absolutely - above and beyond what I expected

What did you like the most / least in the class?: I loved the structure of the course, that it lead with the history of using essential oils and then lead to some easy starter recipes that can be customised. I'm really glad that I had the printed workbook as I personally would have struggled to study it fully online and needed the workbook to solidify what I learned.

Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes it was perfect, the essential oils chosen were perfect as they were a mix of very familiar and a little more unusual but gave a huge range of therapeutic benefits.

How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: 100%, signed up as part of a study buddy offer and can't stop talking about it to everyone.

How would you rate the overall class?: 10/10

Any other feedback?: The class was pitched perfectly for beginners. I like the idea of being able to buy a starter kit that includes all the oils that are covered but as I had some oils I didn't need to do this. It was a great taster course and has made me really keen to go on to do the full practitioner course as soon as I can.

Katie P, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Tarot for beginners

Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes

What did you like the most / least in the class?: Most: The learning more about the cards and their meanings. Least: Trying to get enough case studies as I didn’t have the confidence to ask friends and so had to rely on family.

Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes.

How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very likely, wouldn’t hesitate.

How would you rate the overall class?: 10/10

Sarah W, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Introduction to Chakras
Did the class meet your expectations?: More so
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I enjoyed the meditations. I like the whole layout of the course. I like the listed excessive & depleted examples offered for each chakra.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes perfect!
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very 
How would you rate the overall class?: I really enjoyed it, It was indepth enough & deepened my interest in chakras in general.

Deborah G, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Introduction to Crystals
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes, very much so
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I liked how the course was broken down into manageable chunks. I probably could have done with the additional physical book as sometimes I found the list like structure of the pages a bit hard to read, but I feel that reflects my learning style more than it does the course

Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes, some good beginner stuff and some more in depth learning
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very to my friends also interested in the same subject

How would you rate the overall class?: 10/10
Any other feedback?: Loved it, thank you. I'll be purchasing more of the courses soon with aims to complete the Crystal Healing Practitoner course

Kaitlyn E, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Aromatherapy for Beginners
Did the class meet your expectations?: Absolutely,  I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt so much
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I really enjoyed the practicals. Making my own message blends and bath oil blends
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Definitely.  The content is factual, explained clearly and very informative
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Extremely likely
How would you rate the overall class?: Excellent. 10/10
Any other feedback?: I loved completing this course. It was so interesting. I couldn't wait to have a spare few hours or a day off to get stuck into another lesson. Assessments are marked promptly and great feedback is given. Looking forward to completing future courses with The Ascard Academy. 

Gemma D, UK

Which class have you just completed?: The herbal conpress and acupressure facial
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes informative and well written
What did you like the most / least in the class?: The communication was quick and addressed any concerns
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Good history on the topic along with easy to follow instructions
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Highly recommend
How would you rate the overall class?: 9/10
Any other feedback?: As a pre-requisite course I found this fabulous. However one suggestion as discussed would be for the learners who are more visually to have a short video before class tuition .

Jane D, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Swedish Massage
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes very good, in fact better than what I was expecting
What did you like the most / least in the class?: The day with Chris was so informative....... Very good.
The email system because it started eating my homework.
However, Chris sorted out very quickly and made it even easier.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes, was easy to follow, lots of good information. This course worked really well for me
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: I would definitely recommend..... I will be taking more courses as it was excellent
How would you rate the overall class?: 10
Any other feedback?: Sons of Asgard definitely know what they are doing. Chris is very qualified to teach and delivers the course in a professional and creative way, that you learn much more than you could believe

Donna W, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Rahanni celestial healing
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes it did... more than expected
What did you like the most / least in the class?: The practice was a very good help. I cant think of something i didnt like. I love the all learning new thing experience. Chris and John are very good help during the practice and the online learning.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: All I needed.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very likely. Anyone can do this course, you do not need energy work experience.
How would you rate the overall class?: I give the top rate to the overall classes.
Any other feedback?: Everybody loves the Rahanni spray

Jean-Sebastien, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Rahanni Celestial Healing
Did the class meet your expectations?: Absolutely!! I love the skills Rahanni has given me.
What did you like the most / least in the class?: Rahanni has opened up a whole new level of understanding for me with regards to energy healing. I love how it has enabled me to improve my intuition and heal people spiritually.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes, content was engaging, interesting and informative. 
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very likely.
How would you rate the overall class?: 10/10 Highly recommended!!

Gemma D, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Swedish massage
Did the class meet your expectations?: Above
What did you like the most / least in the class?: The training day was incredibly thorough yet relaxed and enjoyable. Chris is a fantastic and incredibly knowledgable teacher who guides you through the techniques in a professional, friendly and patient way.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: The content was pitched at the correct level with some interesting historical background as well as scientific insight.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Would highly recommend to friends and family.
How would you rate the overall class?: 10
Any other feedback?:

Melina J, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Essential anatomy and physiology
Did the class meet your expectations?: Absolutely - it more than met my expectations
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I enjoyed the structure of the lessons, as they were informative, yet concise and easy to follow. There wasn’t anything I didn’t enjoy.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes, I felt the class was very accessible and it was full of both familiar and new information, which I found extremely useful.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Yes definitely
How would you rate the overall class?: I would highly rate this class!
Any other feedback?: The assessments are marked extremely quickly and the feedback offered is great.

Jade M, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Anatomy & Physiology
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I liked the way the information was divided up into the Systems.
The text was easy for me to read, including spacing font, and size, (my eyesight is not great so I can't read a lot of text. The pictures and downloads were very nice.)
I would like to know about the meridians too, but I understand they are not included in Western medicine.
The questions were clear and relevant. 
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes, it was general and this was useful for me as I had rubbish teachers at school. So I filled in a few gaps in my knowledge and enjoyed it at the same time.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very likely.
How would you rate the overall class?: Very good.
Any other feedback?: I was a bit anxious about doing this particular course at the beginning. I thought it would take me ages to plough my way through, but I was very pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to assimilate the information because of the clarity of its presentation. The content was interesting.

Shula R, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Aromatherapy  practitioner
Did the class meet your expectations?: This class was something else, I loved everything about it. Once I started it the research took me to another place. I just got lost in wanting to learn more.
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I loved learning how to make potions and lotions for my case studies and seeing the results after my consultation form and being able to help people that have been suffering for years under the doctor and just one potion from me and they have felt better.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: I did and if I didn’t understand, I knew Chris was always there to help and would get back to me straight away. I feel the surport I have received has been amazing and given me the confidence to carry on.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: I’ve already been spreading the word about Asgard academy and talk highly about the support you receive.
How would you rate the overall class?: 100%
Any other feedback?: I have loved every minute of this course, it’s been amazing and the support I have received has encouraged me to carry on when I’ve found it hard. I am so grateful to Asgard Academy because they have, listened and heard all my concerns and guided me in the right direction. They understand and have pointed me in the right direction. This has been an amazing journey.

Emma W, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Aromatherapy For Beginners
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes! (above my expectations)
What did you like the most / least in the class?: - I really like that the course had a physical workbook and notebook. I used both for every lesson.
- I'm really impressed by the lessons - they were well written and the layout was great. The lessons also didn't contain so much information that it was overwhelming and they were the perfect length so that it was easy to find the time to sit down and do a lesson now and then.
- The turn around time from submitting my assessments to receiving a grade/response from Chris was amazing.
- I thought it was wonderful that Chris responded to the questions/comments I had included in my actual assessment responses. This type of feedback is rare in a lot of online courses (in my experience). Not only was it really helpful, but it was just really nice to know there was a real person on the other side and it made me feel more connected to the course and what I was doing.
- Lots of ideas and recipes in the workbook
- I liked the emotion/fragrance wheel in the workbook!
Can't think of anything I didn't like!!
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Yes definitely!
How would you rate the overall class?: 10/10!

Laura P, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Introduction to the Chakras
Did the class meet your expectations?: The class certainly met my expectations and provided me with a new interest in working with the chakra system
What did you like the most / least in the class?: The lessons were compact and informative and well laid out, easy to understand but with the necessary points of learning in place to expand knowledge of the chakra system. The meditation exercises following each class were essential to getting in touch with my chakras and where and how I might improve their function. Despite this being an online course it was very good at bringing a practical awareness to the chakras and wasn't all in the head theory. When a conscious effort is made it can bring about a greater understanding in knowledge and practice on the spiritual journey. They key is to remain focused and make a conscious effort to learn and improve understanding. 
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Even with some prior experience of working with the chakras I was still able to learn a lot and felt encouraged to explore more as I progressed by making a conscious effort to engage with the chakra system
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: I would recommend the course to others as it gives all the necessary basics to learning and understanding the chakra system by being theoretically and practically informative.  It gives a great opportunity to take this area into further study and exploration for those dedicated to their spiritual journey of knowledge and expansion
How would you rate the overall class?: My personal experience is 10 out of 10 and I have no complaints.

Suzanne J, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Introduction to the Chakra’s
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes
What did you like the most / least in the class?: It was nicely structured into bite sized chunks. The downloads are amazing.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes - I had a basic understanding of the Chakra’s but i think this would cover someone who has not had any experience of them before.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very
How would you rate the overall class?: Really good - recommend for anyone starting out on the holistic or spiritual path.

James M, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Holistic Facial
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes, it exceeded my expectations.
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I really enjoyed learning about the holistic approach to a facial rather than from a 'beauty' point of view.
I also really enjoyed introducing energy healing into the routine and learning how to balance the chakras. There was not a single part of the course I didn't enjoy.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Absolutely,  the lessons are set out clearly,  flow really well and are engaging and informative. 
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very likely, infact I already have.
How would you rate the overall class?: 10/10
Any other feedback?: The face to face sessions are so informative. Chris is so knowledgeable on the subject. He is very patient & engaging and happy to answer any questions. 

Gem D, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Holistic Massage
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I was especially interested in the Yin and Yang lesson. I didn't know much about Chinese theory or what yin and yang actually were and how they affect the body. Now I feel very comfortable and confident in the subject.
I found it difficult to focus on the description of how to give a holistic massage. This is probably because I am more of a visual learner, so I will be looking to book a face to face lesson with Chris.
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes, definitely. I think everything was covered in a very level way. I didn't get bored of the content and there wasn't too much or too little to read. I also like that the answer to the questions had to be written in essay style as I found it easier to get my point across this way as there is a lot of information to cover.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: I would highly recommend this course to anyone I know that is looking to study and/or become a holistic practitioner.
How would you rate the overall class?: 9/10 - I think maybe some videos to demonstrate the practical part of the course would be beneficial.
Any other feedback?: I like that you talked about a range of carrier oils and not just one that you may have a preference for. I think this gives the person studying the course a way of thinking about the range of oils you could use and why. 

Zoey A, UK

Which class have you just completed?: Introduction to Natural Witchcraft
Did the class meet your expectations?: Yes
What did you like the most / least in the class?: I loved making new discoveries and finding new confidence to try things. The only downside is that it seemed to take me a long time to complete... Probably more to do with my time management and the perfectionist side in me more than the class itself. 
Did you find the content in the class to be pitched at the right level?: Yes.
How likely would you be to recommend the course to friends and family?: Very likely.
How would you rate the overall class?: Fantastic!... Absolutely loved it! 10/10. Lots of information
Any other feedback?: I can see a lot of time and effort went into building the class - thank you. It's been intriguing, fascinating, enjoyable and most of all has helped to guide me to my own true life path.

S Frost, UK