Gaian Forest Bathing Guide

You may or may not have heard of the term ‘Forest Bathing’ before, but did you know that the practice that many follow today was first ‘officially recognised in Japan? This class will take you through the how, when, where’s and why’s of Forest Bathing - also known as Shinrin-yoku.

Not only will you learn about the history, techniques, science and traditions of this practice, but you will also learn how to host and facilitate your own Gaian Forest Bathing sessions for both friends, family and clients.

You do not need to have any experience with working with energy or even meditation to complete the class - but of course, both of the above would help.

Forest Bathing shouldn’t just been seen as a trend, but as part of your conscious wellbeing - connecting with the land and nature around you just like our ancestors did. Let’s begin the journey of wellbeing, self discovery and walking amongst the trees!

Gaian Forest Bathing takes the essence and core values of traditional forest bathing and combines this with earth-based practices to further enhance the connection with not only Mother Earth, but also with yourself. Learning techniques to aid in connecting to to the forest for development, stability, mental clarity and spiritual development are just some of the things that one might benefit from undertaking a Gaian Forest Bathing session.

Upon successful completion of this class, you will then be able to obtain insurance to be able to lead and host your own Gaian Forest Bathing Sessions. The class should take you between 4 - 6 months to complete before moving on to your case studies and final assessment.


Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a Certified Diploma which is fully accredited with the IPHM and recognised for insurance purposes by Westminster and Towergate Insurance.

For those who wish to obtain insurance cover to practice their new skills on the public, after you have completed this course, we will give you details on how to go about obtaining insurance through our insurer to ensure you are fully covered.

For more information on our Certified Courses and Insurance Cover please click here.

Gaian Forest Bathing Guide

Class Information

Study Time

- 250 Hours Study
(Including practical work)


- None

Certification Level

- Certified Diploma (Practitioner Level)

Face-to-Face Practical Session

- Not required for this class

Class Accreditations

- IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine)
- ICAHP (International Compliance Assurance for Holistic Practitioners)

Class Insurance

- Towergate Insurance
- Westminster Holistic Insurance

Case Studies Needed

- 30 Group Case Studies
(30 individual cases but can be obtained via small groups)

Gaian Forest Bathing Guide - Enrolment

Gaian Forest Bathing Guide- from ÂŁ345.00

Class Includes

All enrolment options include:

  • 28 Online Self Study Lessons
  • Printed Certificate (when you have successfully passed your class)
  • Online Live Chat Class Support
  • Lifetime access to this class, even once completed


Additional options and extras

  • Printed Workbook

Included Free Downloads

All class enrolments also include these free resources:

  • Tree Identification Guide
  • Tree Identification Cards
  • Forest Bathing Journal Pages

Class materials & material checklist

Looking for materials, starter packs and printed class workbooks?

Gaian Forest Bathing Guide

Lesson 1

Forest Bathing Concept
Nature and Mental Health

Lesson 2

The Healing Power of Trees

Lesson 3

Phytoncides 101
Therapeutic Benefits

Lesson 4

Psychological Benefits
Feeling the Forest
Forest Bathing Techniques

Lesson 5

Working with the Senses
The Senses
Sharing and Feedback

Lesson 6

Elemental Invitations
Earth Invitations

Lesson 7

Air Invitations
Fire Invitations
Water Invitations

Lesson 8

Tree Speak
Mycorrhizal Networks
Listening to the Trees

Lesson 9

Talking to Trees
Connecting to Trees
Forest Guides

Lesson 10

Forest Locations
The Perfect Spot

Lesson 11

Forest Bathing Techniques
Focusing on the Senses
Mindful Walking

Lesson 12

The Optimal Flow Guideline
Threshold of Connection
Embodied Awareness

Lesson 13

Sight and Body Radar
Walking in Forest Time
Tea Ceremony

Lesson 14

Forest Bathing Science
Varieties of Phytoncides
Walking in the Forest

Lesson 15

Forest Bathing Trails
Designated Trails
Becoming a Guide

Lesson 16

The Celestial Chakras
The Earthstar and Gaia Gateway
Earthstar Awakening

Lesson 17

Tree Identification
Profiles: Alder, Alder Buckthorn, Apple, Ash and Aspen

Lesson 18

Profiles: Beech - Common, Beech - Copper, Birch - Downy, Birch - Silver and Blackthorn

Lesson 19

Profiles: Cedar, Cherry - Wild, Chestnut - Sweet, Crab Apple and Cypress - Lawson

Lesson 20

Profiles: Dogwood, Elder, Elm - English, Elm - Wych and Eucalyptus

Lesson 21

Profiles: Larch - European, Douglas Fir, Hawthorn, Hazel and Hemlock

Lesson 22

Profiles: Holly, Hornbeam, Horse Chestnut, Juniper, Lime and Maple

Lesson 23

Profiles: Oak, Pine - Scots, Poplar- Black, Poplar - White, Rowan and Spindle

Lesson 24

Profiles: Spruce, Sycamore, Walnut, Western Red Cedar, Willow and Yew

Lesson 25

The Tree Connection
The Spiritual Bond
Dryads and Tree Spirits

Lesson 26

Incorporating Sound
Development and Journalling

Lesson 27

Working within the Law
Thinking Differently
Things to Consider

Lesson 28

Creating your Gaian Forest Bath
Sample Sessions

Final Assessment

Your final assessment to complete this class

Reading List

  • N/A

Class Resources

  • Tree Identification Guide
  • Tree Identification Cards
  • Forest Bathing Journal Pages